Happy New Year Everyone!
As usual I can’t believe another year has gone by so quickly.
I’m still processing my incredible trip to Northern Norway this past April to learn about Sámi silver. On that note the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum will host my first talk online February 24. I’ll also be sharing this talk with the American Swedish Institute April 16 and the Sámi Cultural Institute in Duluth on a date to be announced. I even managed to take a brooch class this past November at the Vesterheim from the mighty blacksmith Tom Latane’. It’s good to be a student once in a while. I discovered I ask all the same questions and do the same things that my students do!

It’s a snowy slushy day here in the valley with nary a person stirring outside my studio so what better time than to announce my new class schedule for 2023!
I’m excited to host a Beginning Sámi Inspired Bracelet Class at the new Chatfield Center for the Arts in Chatfield, MN. This beautiful, newly renovated facility isn’t far from my home so it’s a great opportunity for all my local peeps to take a class close by.
There’s a new online class offering too! Building on Viking Posament skills and techniques, our Viking Posament Variation Bracelet Class marries the Josephine and triangular knots together to create a beautiful design combination.

It’s been a slow roll getting back to teaching in person classes since Covid but I’m happy to say that even though online offerings are still going strong, I’m back in the classroom and I couldn’t be happier.
I’m also over the moon to be back in Vesterheim’s Folk Art School silver studio in Decorah, IA hosting jewelry classes including my favorite “Freya’s Filigree” classes! I’m also honored to have been awarded a Folk Art Residency at the Vesterheim in Decorah, IA where I’ll study silverwork in the museum collection to inspire a new class offering in 2023-2024.
Check out the 2023 Class Schedule and stay tuned for additional class dates and new kit offerings with video instructions.
Stay warm and crafty!